as one reader puts it ” He’s trying to normalize market manipulation in the minds of people. “Hey, this is just how the system functions and here’s other guys that do the same thing as us” I have a feeling those other firms are not happy about him lumping them…
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A holding company is a company that owns other companies and oversees their operations but exists solely to operate those subsidiaries.
These new rules are supposed to allow more transparency in the market, particularly, the transparency would affect investment groups or hedge funds that are betting against a company. In other words, these financial groups make money only if the company fails or goes bankrupt.
These rules are supposed to bring about more fairness and transparency. What could be the reason these hedge funds are so afraid of this that they file a lawsuit against the same organization that is supposed to help protect and regulate them?
They are now pushing crypto coins and associating them with GameStop. Original Post: Link to the actual media article below:
Peruvian Bull is also the author of The Dollar End Game
John Cena is popular movie actor and wrestler. It is not clear why he would post a GameStop store image on his Instagram.
Gamestop started reporting the amount of Direct Registered shares but for the past few reports, the # of direct registered shares has been the same. Questions begin to arise as to why and how this figure has not changed for the past reports. There is some speculation that a certain…
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