With the amount of people and eyes paying VERY close attention to every news article or movement related to GameStop, this is being dubbed “weaponized autism” at its finest. The same day it is discovered this “hedge fund” of a shell company does not actually exist.
The lengths to where these companies, finance groups, and even media will go to create these fake stories and narratives is just mind blowing.
This was speculated to happen for a few months prior to it being officially announced.
Less than 15 days after Ryan Cohen becomes official chairman of the company, Gamestop is considered an idiosyncratic risk by the Treasury and DTCC. The term “idiosyncractic” can mean peculiar, unusual, or one of a kind.
Transfer agent ComputerShare is the official record keeper of shares for many companies including Wal-Mart, McDonalds, Jack in the Box, Gamestop, and many more. Rather than going through a 3rd party (broker) to obtain shares, investors can have the shares directly registered under their name via transfer agent. For Gamestop,…
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Hundreds of hours of research (which has yet to be disproved by the way) is categorized and digitized in the Superstonk Library of DD. An amazing collaboration of investors from around the world primarily sharing their interest and focus on one single stock. This digital library has been backed up…
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Computer chair sounds awfully similar to Computershare. Some individuals post links to sources which seem to indicate there is litigation risk or lawsuits at stake if a company encourages their shareholders to Directly Register their shares. Aside from the fact the financial groups trying to originally bankrupt Gamestop have lost…
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