Investors seem to have fully embraced the idea of Directly Registering their shares with Computershare

Investors seem to have fully embraced the idea of Directly Registering their shares with Computershare

The consensus seems to be that no shares are safe with any broker, including popular brokers such as Fidelity. All brokers, thru their partnerships and agreements, use investor’s shares to loan or create phantom (rehypothecated) shares. By this time, Gamestop has been one the most bought stocks in certain brokers that share this data including Fidelity and Commsec.

It is widely speculated (with good reason) the entire amount of publicly available stocks for GameStop have been purchased by now, however millions and millions of stocks have been trading every day.

There is discussion about an event where In March of 2005, a guy bought 100% of shares (1.1M shares) in a publicly traded company to prove the corruption. The next two days that same stock traded 50 million times and dropping the price 99% in two hours. All this with LITERALLY NO SHARES AVAILABLE TO BORROW OR SHORT. He did not however direct register his shares ( they were held in a broker).

Months prior to this, individual investors had began transferring their shares from all brokers around the world to ComputerShare and several discussions related to the benefits have been presented.

Dr Trimbath, Mark Cuban, and many Redditors have been talking about Direct Registration of Shares for months. A lot of discussions have taken place and both sides have compelling arguments.

It is right  around this time the biggest wave of “DRS” or Direct registration of shares begins. As “real” shares get officially registered in ComputerShares official log, it is now only a matter of time before ALL shares are accounted for.

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