An investment management group that is supposed to help individuals manage their shares held in retirement accounts, announces they will no longer allow GameStop shares to be direct registered. In fact, they actually say they will go so far as to “de register” the previously registered shares.

An investment management group that is supposed to help individuals manage their shares held in retirement accounts, announces they will no longer allow GameStop shares to be direct registered. In fact, they actually say they will go so far as to “de register” the previously registered shares.

This is unprecedented. Why would they be so against the direct registration of shares? The media keeps saying it is a terrible investment and talks about how “bad” everything is at GameStop. Yet they go so far as to un-register and de-register some of the previously registered shares.

Confirmation the news and media is paid for by certain financial groups who may or may not have “attempted” to bankrupt GameStop but failed.

Confirmation the news and media is paid for by certain financial groups who may or may not have “attempted” to bankrupt GameStop but failed.

Some of these alleged financial groups may be on the hook for possibly BILLIONS of GameStop shares that were borrowed and sold, but never originally purchased. It is speculated they will need to be purchased at some point, although currently, it seems they have an infinite amount of time to purchase them. (Even tho they […]

Forget GameStop: They specifically talk about the GameStop Chairman and go as far as saying it is a “hit” (as in hit piece) [CLICK HERE FOR VIDEO]

Forget GameStop: They specifically talk about the GameStop Chairman and go as far as saying it is a “hit” (as in hit piece) [CLICK HERE FOR VIDEO]

In this segment they specifically say “Tried to reach out to the Teddy patent lawyer but didn’t hear back in time for this “hit”. According to the dictionary, a “hit piece” is defined as: an article, a documentary, etc. that deliberately tries to make somebody/something look bad by presenting information about them that appears to […]

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