This is something individual investors have been saying for for a year or longer. With so many ways to hold shares, there is only 1 true way to hold shares directly registered under your name. There is speculation the SEC released this bulletin due to certain hedge funds making an attempt to remove the current […]
This hedge fund was widely rumored to be involved in the GameStop manipulation. Since July of 2021 and earlier, there have been plenty of discussions and speculation on how Credit Suisse is likely to be involved in the GameStop manipulation. It has been speculated these hedge fund groups are playing “hot potato” with their GameStop […]
This is unprecedented. Why would they be so against the direct registration of shares? The media keeps saying it is a terrible investment and talks about how “bad” everything is at GameStop. Yet they go so far as to un-register and de-register some of the previously registered shares.
Some of these alleged financial groups may be on the hook for possibly BILLIONS of GameStop shares that were borrowed and sold, but never originally purchased. It is speculated they will need to be purchased at some point, although currently, it seems they have an infinite amount of time to purchase them. (Even tho they […]
In this segment they specifically say “Tried to reach out to the Teddy patent lawyer but didn’t hear back in time for this “hit”. According to the dictionary, a “hit piece” is defined as: an article, a documentary, etc. that deliberately tries to make somebody/something look bad by presenting information about them that appears to […]
Link to reddit discussion [here] Link to Wes Christians direct reply & letter [here]
Mr. Wes Christian replies directly to this article the following day.